Monday 23 May 2011

Make sure you send me your PP this week if you haven't done it by Thursday or no lollies! Don't forget if you leave it! the work will only pile up and become too much!

Home work for week 2

These two images by M C Escher are perfect for your transcription they also link to the drawing you have to do of yourself in the front or back of a spoon
such as this
Try to exaggerate the face large when in the middle to give the illusion of distortion

Due Monday 30th May 2011

Thursday 19 May 2011

Don't Forget Your PowerPoints Please!!!
They should show a range of different image exploring every aspect of the Theme
eg. Reflections

Sunday 15 May 2011

If you have Photoshop this is a good tutorial showing you how to make a reflection from a photo you have taken.

Reflections and distortions

Year 10 exam – summer 2011          Reflection and Distortion

Week one (16/5/11)
·    Give out papers
Homework – Start to make a Powerpoint presentation based on the theme, or an aspect of the theme which interests you.

Week two (23/5/11)
·    Draw a reflective object using pencil, showing tone.
·    Draw a reflective object using oil pastels showing colour.
·    Finish or improve one of the above.
Homework- –
Draw yourself reflected in the back of a spoon and show how the reflection has been distorted.  Show tone.
Research Escher and make a transcription of a drawing by him showing reflections.

Half term (30/5/11)
  • During the half term week take photos of reflective and transparent objects; buildings, cars, windows, bottles etc.
  • Visit Docklands (Canary Wharf) and take photos of the reflective office buildings there.

Week three (6/6/11)
·    Make a transcription of one of Hockney’s paintings of a Californian pool.
·    Make multimedia transcriptions of ripples – 2 wet materials, 2 dry materials.
·    As above.
Homework- Make a second transcription of a Hockney ‘pool’ painting.

Week four (13/6/11)
·    Brainstorm ideas based on the theme and make thumbnail drawings of ideas.
·    Make 6 annotated ideas/thumbnail sketches.
·    Finish any work started so far; print Powerpoint, photos etc.  Stick images in book and annotate.
Homework- Find and research an artist connected to your final idea (these artists will be different for each of you but your teacher will help you by suggesting suitable artists).

Week five (20/6/11) - Activities week
Homework – take photos of yourself and friends reflected and distorted eg. in shop windows, through glass doors etc.  Have fun!

Week six (27/6/11)
·    Test materials for your final piece and make trial studies.
·    Make full sized trials, compositions and lay-outs.
·    Finalise all plans and check that you have all materials and equipment prepared for your exam.

Week seven – Final five hour exam in this week (date to be confirmed).
Homework – Evaluate your year 10 exam (preparatory work and final exam piece)